On the face of it taking a rubbing from something is a relatively innocuous thing to do. But if we take this statement and look for ambiguity, and double entendre, it is less so.
It might be argued that
‘taking’ carries connotations that are somewhat ambiguous –
and to various degrees with negative narratives. Do we mean the stealing of, the theft of, the appropriation of, the purloining of, the pilfering of, the filching of, the pinching of, the flogging of, the lifting of
(and off?) or the simple removal and carrying away of, something?
Well in the taking of a rubbing, all of the above may well apply
– albeit sometimes behind a mask of respectability and propriety. And furthermore, all the layers of meaning, and innuendo, at the same time, and to various degrees, may kick in. Taking something is never simple. There are always consequences!
Arguably, taking a rubbing is ever likely to be to some extent transgressive
(taboo?) within some cultural contexts where property and ownerships are asserted. But they’ll still be
‘taken’ – one way or another, but only if they are of ‘value’.As for
‘rubbing’, well a different set of implications are suggested. Here
‘rubbing’ is being invoked as an
‘impression’ but can it be stopped there?
If we go one way there are interconnected implications to do with evidence, imagery, beliefs, understandings, patterns, marks, mimicry, copying and so on. If we go another innuendos to do with sexuality, permissiveness, sexualisation, touch, and so on. All emotive stuff!
As this project evolves, and as words, and imagery, are played with the players may enter perhaps, new zones of understanding –
perhaps zones where the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Elbows may even be rubbed!